Dressuurstal De Haarhof
Instructie Africhting Pension Terug naar het overzichtBericht uit Zweden
donderdag 10 februari 2011
Marum - Van de nieuwe eigenaren van Tenson kregen we onderstaand bericht. Tenson hebben we begin 2010 naar Zweden verkocht.
"Both Tenson and I have been injured last year. I fell of Tarina (my mare) and by mistake she stepped on my leg so I had to go to the hospital in an ambulance and stay there for a week. Tenson hurt himself on the leg when he was out in the field, so he also spent almost a week in the animalhospital at the same time as I was in hospital. So we have both had a pretty bad 2010. But we are both ok now! Tenson lost quite a bit of weight when he was in the animalhospital, but now he is almost a bit fat J. We both long for spring now so we can start training properly again! Both I and Tenson need to build up our muscles again! We have now (finally) started to build our new ridinghall. So next winter we will be able to train much more! We have had a very long winter here in Sweden with a lot of snow this winter as well. Now the snow has melted away, but it is a lot of ice everywhere and the ground is still frozen and hard. I love Tenson very much! Even the animaldoctors loved him! So he is charming everybody here in Sweden!
Eva and Jan